

Dr. Steben is responsible for the cervical cancer screening training with the new technology, as well as training healthcare providers and support staff on HPV and cervical cancer and quality control issues. He is also responsible for the Public Health component, supporting the Ministry of Health in Eswatini (MoHE) for the transition of this project into a national program. As Co-President of HPV Global Action, Dr. Steben is a family practitioner and a sexual health consultant, and his research focuses mostly on chronic genital diseases including HPV. He is a professor for the Social and Preventive Medicine department of the school of public health at Université de Montréal. He is a sexual health expert and a consultant at Family Medicine Group 1851 where his clinical practice is devoted to a multidisciplinary approach to sexual health.

Dr. Steben is president of the International Society for STD research and will preside the STI and HIV 2025 World Congress. He is a member of the board of the International union against STI. He is a member of the Canadian STI guidelines expert group for more than 25 years. Dr. Steben is on the board of the International Papillomavirus Society and chairs the education committee after chairing the 26th International Papillomavirus Society meeting as well as the first Public Health Workshop and Clinical Workshop in July 2010. He is currently the Chair of the Canadian Network on HPV Prevention, International Centre for Infectious Diseases. Dr. Steben is the President and a founding member of the IUSTI Canada branch of IUSTI North America. Dr Steben was an investigator in the phase 3 study of the Quadrivalent HPV vaccine.


A Troubling Spike in Advanced Cervical Cancer Is Likely to Worsen
Andrew M. Kaunitz, MD

HPV Vaccination ‘Unmasks’ Cervical Lesions From Non-Vax Strains
M. Alexander Otto, PA, MMS

Ensuring a Successful Transition From Cytology to Human Papillomavirus
Gabrielle Griffin-Mathieu; Ben Haward; Ovidiu Tatar; Patricia Zhu; Samara Perez; Gilla K Shapiro; Emily McBride; Erika L Thompson; Laurie W Smith; Aisha K Lofters; Ellen M Daley; Juliet R Guichon; Jo Waller; Marc Steben; Kathleen M Decker; Marie-Helene Mayrand; Julia M L Brotherton; Gina S Ogilvie; Gregory D Zimet; Teresa Norris; Zeev Rosberger;

WHO calls ISSVD to action on elimination of female genital Shistosomiasis
Marc Steben, MD; Eyrun Floerecke Kjetland; Teresa Norris

A health economic model to estimate the costs and benefits of an mRNA vs DNA high-risk HPV assay in a theoretical HPV primary screening algorithm in Ontario, Canada.
Georgie Weston, Caroline Dombrowski, Marc Steben, Catherine Popadiuk, James Bentley, Elisabeth J. Adams

A Call to Action: Ending the Neglect of Female Genital Schistosomiasis
Alison Krentel, PhD; Marc Steben, MD

IPVS Policy Statement addressing the burden of HPV disease for Indigenous peoples
Beverley Lawton; Margaret Heffernan; George Wurtak; Marc Steben; Pema Lhaki; Fiona Cram; Magaly Blas; Merilyn Hibma; Anna Adcock; Kendall Stevenson; Lisa Whop; Julia Brotherton; Suzanne M. Garland

COVID-19 Won’t Be the Last (Or Worst) Pandemic: It’s Time to Build Resilience Into Our Cervical Cancer Elimination Goals
Marc Steben, MD; Teresa Norris; Zeev Rosberger, PhD

Canada’s Role in Accelerating Global Elimination of Cervical Cancer
Marc Steben, MD; George Wurtak, MED; Silvia de Sanjosé, MD; Marina Salvadori, MD; Francois Coutlée, MD; Alberto Severini, MD; Salah Mahmud, MD; Eduardo Franco, DrPH; Ann N. Burchell, PhD; Hélène M. Gagné, MD; James Bentley, MB ChB; Laurie Elit, MD; Deborah Dudgeon, MD; Nitika Pant Pai, MD; Angela Karellis, MSc; Catherine Popadiuk, MD; Laurie W. Smith, RN(C); Teresa Norris; Amelie McFadyen, MA; Jennifer Blake, MD; Roger Simard, B. Pharm

A National Survey of Canadian Adults on HPV: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Barriers to the HPV Vaccine
Marc Steben, MD; Nancy Durand, MD; Juliet Guichon, SJD; Zoë R. Greenwald, MSc; Susan Mc Faul, MD; Jennifer Blake, MD

A mixed two-dose vaccination schedule: Not enough evidence to support a policy change in Quebec
Zeev Rosberger; Marc Steben; Teresa Norris; Amelie McFadyen; Gilla K. Shapiro 

A National Survey of Canadian Physicians on HPV-JOGC: Knowledge, Barriers, and preventative practices
Marc Steben, MD; Nancy Durand, MD; Juliet R. Guichon, SJD;  Zoë R. Greenwald, MSc; Susan Mc Faul, MD; Jennifer Blake, MD 

A Review of the Impact and Effectiveness of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: 10 Years of Clinical Experience in Canada
Marc Steben, MD; Mattea Tan Thompson, PhD; Caroline Rodier, MPH; Nathalie Mallette, BScA; Voica Racovitan, BPharm; Fern DeAngelis, MSc; Melissa Stutz, BSc; Emmanouil Rampakakis, PhD 

What do Key Stakeholders Think About HIV Self-Testing in Canada? Results from a Cross-Sectional Survey
N. Pant Pai; M. Smallwood; D. Gulati; N. Lapczak; A. Musten; C. Gaydos; C. Johnston; M. Steben; T. Wong; N. Engel; J. Kim

Quadrivalent Vaccine against Human Papillomavirus to Prevent Anogenital Diseases
Suzanne M. Garland, M.D.; Mauricio Hernandez-Avila, M.D.; Cosette M. Wheeler, Ph.D.; Gonzalo Perez, M.D.; Diane M. Harper, M.D., M.P.H.; Sepp Leodolter, M.D.; Grace W.K. Tang, M.D.; Daron G. Ferris, M.D.; Marc Steben, M.D.; Janine Bryan, Ph.D.; Frank J. Taddeo, Ph.D.; Radha Railkar, Ph.D.; Mark T. Esser, Ph.D.; Heather L. Sings, Ph.D.; Micki Nelson, B.S.; John Boslego, M.D.; Carlos Sattler, M.D.; Eliav Barr, M.D.; Laura A. Koutsky, Ph.D.

Design of the HPV-automated visual evaluation (PAVE) study: Validating a novel cervical screening strategy
Silvia de Sanjosé,1,2 Rebecca B Perkins,3 Nicole Campos,4 Federica Inturrisi,1 Didem Egemen,1 Brian Befano,5,6 Ana Cecilia Rodriguez,1 Jose Jerónimo,1 Li C Cheung,1 Kanan Desai,1 Paul Han,7 Akiva P Novetsky,8 Abigail Ukwuani,1 Jenna Marcus,9 Syed Rakin Ahmed,10,11,12,13 Nicolas Wentzensen,1 Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer,10,14 and Mark Schiffman1, On behalf of the PAVE Study Group