Posts tagged with: blog


A Brave New World of Gender Inclusion

Hovering over us every day is a thick cloud of social pollution – these preconceived notions about sexuality and gender. Just like any other pollutant that, if not eliminated, ends up destroying whatever pristine environment is in its path, if these preconceived notions go unchallenged and uncorrected, they will erase any hope we have of...... Read More

Why is the “friendzone” concept harmful?

In the last few years the Internet has been filled with frustrated people (mostly men), because they were “friendzoned” by the person they like (mostly women), even though they’re “just so nice”! So why is linking the concepts of friend zoning and being nice so harmful? Well, for starters, what is “friendzoning”? On the Internet...... Read More

The Difficult Journey to Diagnosis

Hello, my name is Amanda Niebergall and I am 32-year-old stage four Cervical Cancer survivor.  Whether I was ready for it or not this label has becoming such a defining aspect of who I am today. My healthcare journey towards getting to this diagnosis had been long and difficult, but I`m fortunate that due to...... Read More

The ABC’s of HPV

As a mother of a fourteen year old boy and eighteen year old girl, all three vaccinated with Gardasil, as well as a Sexual Health Educator, it has come to my attention that many people are lacking unbiased information on the topic of HPV. Numerous people across Canada thanks to the internet, have read recent...... Read More

Spread facts, not fear!

There are too many articles circulating on the Internet with biased views about Gardasil, the vaccine that prevents the human papillomavirus (HPV), causing a lot of fear and confusion about its safety. It is irresponsible to spread messages that are not supported by proven facts. First, we must rectify that, contrary to what Mme. Rail...... Read More

The college campus sexual assault epidemic

The reason for this epidemic is simple: college administrators don’t want to report sexual assaults because the statistics are bad for the college’s reputation. A few weeks ago I watched The Hunting Ground, by Kirkby Dick. The documentary was released in 2015 and focuses on the epidemic of sexual assault cases on college campuses in...... Read More

Happy Galentine’s Day!

I am completely and totally indifferent to Valentine’s Day. I won’t lie, I’ve usually been single on that day every year, but I am fine with it. There is however one thing I dislike about Valentine’s Day and that is the “single shaming”. If you are single on Valentine’s Day, people pity you and will...... Read More